Functional Banking System With SNBANK Mod, Financial Center Mod, And Bills Mod. Combined you can decide which bills and services you prefer for your sims, experience utility shut-offs, and visit the bank to open your accounts. Not Mentioned In
What this mod intends to do ultimately, is create an extensive financial/banking system similar to what us humans have in real life. With our final feature added, we hope to add/boost your storylines in-game or even play out any financial situations that are limited only to your imagination.
- A Main Account for each Sim in your Household that has access to a cell phone.
- Direct Deposit for your Sim’s Income (Career Pay, Freelance Pay, Royalty-Based Career Income, and Lifestyle Brands Income)
- Basic Death Handling
- SimoleonGram
- Fabulously Wealthy and other Monetary Aspiration Support
- Autopay within Bills
- Custom Property Tax settings with correct tax amounts of just the Lot value only instead of Lot Value + Household inventory + Sim inventory
- The ability to pay with your SNB account.
- Thermostat costs will reflect in the new MISC bills category along with Tiny Living discounts, Frugal Trait reward discounts, and any other mod that adjust billing in some way)
- Rent is Back! Was removed so that renters weren’t being taxed for the property they don’t really “own.” Now they have a proper rent bill separate from their usual utilities/home services.
- Custom Child Support System
- Custom Alimony System
- Wel-Fund 4 Families (Welfare – Government Benefit Program)
- Bill/Cost Adjustment Settings for all our Bills
- Welcome Home Packages that allow multiple Service selection with one click.
- Bills Cost settings are now saved for all Households in the save when they are being played.
- Fast Internet Lot Trait is now available for Commercial lots for FREE (for now…).
Breast Separation Slider for The Sims 4 spell