Home » Insimnia sims 4 Eats Fast Food Delivery Mod

Insimnia sims 4 Eats Fast Food Delivery Mod

by SimGuru
Insimnia sims 4 Eats Fast Food Delivery Mod

This may or may not happen to you. I don’t know the reason why, it could be a conflicting mod I have..not sure. If you drag the Starbucks drinks out of the Sim’s inventory, they can come out empty. One way to avoid this is by clicking Place in World instead of just dragging. HOWEVER, if you do drag the drink out, the Sim can still drink it and the drink will magically reappear. Weird I know. 

1. If you do not use any other delivery service mods, please download the STANDALONE file.

2. If you use Grannies delivery service, please download the _GranniesORZerosDeliveryREQUIRED file and I assume you already have Littlbowbub’s mod.

3. If you use Zero’s delivery service, please download the _GranniesORZerosDeliveryREQUIRED file and the ZEROS MAIN – ONLY One Required zipped folder.* (I have permission from Zero to repost his mod.) When you download Zero’s mod, you will see that he will also have a  MAIN – ONLY One Required folder. Do not use that file from him. Use the one that you downloaded from this post. As you know, Zero’s delivery mod download contains many folders, please note that the rest of Zero’s mod is unchanged and not included here. It is just the MAIN – ONLY One Required folder that I changed. 

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