Home » The Sims 4 Zodiac Signs

The Sims 4 Zodiac Signs

by SimGuru
The Sims 4 Zodiac Signs

Now sims with Zodiac Signs should autonomously do stuff corresponding to that Zodiac Sign personality
So for example Libras are nice in the sims 2, so Libras in the sims 4 would try to talk and do nice stuff to other sims!
Here’s a more in-depth look at the autonomies, the autonomous interactions are based on the sims 4 traits:

Virgo :
29114 <<<Neat
77332 <<<Loner
29105 <<<Active
29151 <<<Snob

Aquarius :
29123 <<<Slob
77332 <<<Loner
29111 <<<Lazy
29110 <<<Goofball
29121 <<<Good

Aries :

29111 <<<Outgoing
29105 <<<Active
29112 <<<Mean
29151 <<<Snob

Cancer :
29114 <<<Neat
77332 <<<Loner
29105 <<<Active
29151 <<<Snob
29121 <<<Good

Capricorn :
29114 <<<Neat
77332 <<<Loner
29111 <<<Lazy
29110 <<<Goofball

Gemini :
29123 <<<Slob
29108 <<<Outgoing
29105 <<<Active
29112 <<<Mean
29151 <<<Snob

29123 <<<Slob
29108 <<<Outgoing
29111 <<<Lazy
29151 <<<Snob
29112 <<<Mean

Libra :
29123 <<<Slob
29108 <<<Outgoing
29111 <<<Lazy
29110 <<<Goofball
29121 <<<Good

Pisces :
77332 <<<Loner
29105 <<<Active
29151 <<<Snob
29121 <<<Good

The Sims 4 Slice of Life Mod Kawaiistacie

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